It is time to select your demon
How to select a demon?
Demons provide different flavor and interactions
In each generation, you will have to decide how you spend you time waiting the demon to interact with you.
This affects stats, but each demon has different reactions to your choices, either helping you or hindering you in your choices.
For example, if your demon prefers you lonely, she will resist your attempts to play games, but will encourage your create art on your own.
Demons are more than just mechanical
At launch, most demons will barely have content, but each demon will have chapters like any character of our other games, providing personalized stories depending on your choices and progress
Miverna, for example, will slowly begin to trust you as your stats begin align with her ideals, revealing (once written), custom content.
Aishah from Arabia
Loves stories and craves for more

Starts in 204 AD
Interacts every 30 years
Aishah came to her style from pre-Islamic Arabia, and loves stories. She goes for victims who are writers, poets and, of course, managed to grab the original Scheherazade. She soon realized that the souls of artists gave her more power than those of soldiers and concentrated on them.
Idun from Scandinavia
Offer Valhalla to soldiers

Starts in 723 AD
Interacts every 21 years
Initially called Iðunn by the Vikings she associated with, she was seen as the Goddess of eternal youthfulness because she didn't even care hiding that she was immortal and picked a form she liked, and kept it all along.
Loving her people, she decided that her hell would be formed like Asgard: she realized that the more a soul has killed, the more powerful it makes her, so she makes her people raid other villages to capture the soul of soldiers.
Inari from Japan
Makes a big happy family in her hell

Starts in 572 BC
Interacts every 42 years
Like Selene, Inari understood that more humans meant more victims, so when she migrated to Japan with the people she was preying on, she decided to help them grow in population to occupy their new land by helping setup rice fields and, as such, was soon named their rice god. She didn't actually try and, instead, prefers a more personal connection to her victims, seducing them and binding them. She is the one who takes the more soul slaves.
Ma'at from Egypt
Gone crazy, thinks she is a Goddess and wants worship

Starts in 2559 BC
Interacts every 75 years
Unlike most of her sisters, Ma'at decided to reveal to her subjects, in Ancient Egypt, that she was a goddess, taking the form of the goddess and personification of truth, cosmic balance and justice.
While she does kill her few and rare lovers to keep them around, all other "victims" of her are usually criminals sentenced to death and executed in front of her, or old/sick people dying at her temple to be judged in exchange for donations.
Over the countless centuries playing as Ma'at, she became convinced that she is the Goddess she is impersonating and went a little insane, so much that Aisha managed to grab her old territory.
Mahaha from Artic Circle
Less human of the group, sees humans as animals

Starts in 452 BC
Interacts every 40 years
Posing as a grotesque creature with icy blue skin and long claws, Mahaha doesn't really socialize with most of her victims, instead, she hunts them and tickles them to death, freezing them with her long claws.
She only takes human form to learn the patterns of hunting to make her more efficient as a hunting demon, only occasionally taking lovers.
Mindis from Senegal
Fake protector who wants to be loved

Starts in 793 AD
Interacts every 20 years
She protects her tribe (and later, Kingdom), from attackers, feeding on fallen soldiers. A good guy, right? Nope, she also provokes them to attack...
She is able (and willing) to protect humans from diseases and keep them alive, performing miraculous healing, all while protecting the weak from attacks from other tribes. In reality, she hand-picks the strong souls to become defenders, and provoke other tribes (who fear her) into attacking, so she doesn't have to kill them herself.
Minerva from Rome
The empire builder who manipulates society

Starts in 31 BC
Interacts every 34 years
Seen as the goddess of Arts, Trade and Strategy, Minerva realized that the secret to getting powerful, is to build an empire to have a vast pool of powerful victims to grab from. She is the main driving force behind the Roman Empire, even invading the land of her sister Selene, but sending her via "technological exchanges" some of her scientists and philosophers.
Nasirian from East Africa
Keeps a stable population to capture everyone

Starts in 1403 AD
Interacts every 10 years
Named by the Maasai people, Nasirian is a nomad which initially traveled East Africa, feeding on people while keeping them peaceful and calm. Unlike some of her sisters, she tries to maintain a stable population level and reduce the number of conflicts because she can't be everywhere at once! She finds that sisters waste too many souls, but that she also wastes too many despite having the highest capture rate.
Selene from Sumer / Greece
Driving technology further, boost human population

Starts in 3944 BC
Interacts every 97 years
Selene initially inspired ancient Mesopotamia, including the Sumerians and later, the Babylonians, but it's under the Greeks that her personality truly began to shine, taking the name Selene.
Quickly, the Greek saw her as the Goddess of the Moon because she would travel most of the nights on her chariot between the various Greek cities searching for engineers, philosophers, scholars and scientists to inspire them like she did in Sumeria, only killing them in their prime.
Of all the demons, she is the one who cares the more about increasing the number of humans on Earth via technology because more humans means more science and even more humans.
Tia from West Coast of America
Offers a peaceful death to Native Americans

Starts in 2129 BC
Interacts every 67 years
Tia, named by the Haida tribe as the Goddess of peaceful death, discovered that when a victim accepts their death and to be bound to in Eternity to their Goddess provides more power than those from a violent death, especially if they can tell stories. As such, she travels from village to village in the West Coast of America where Native Americans managed to make her powerful for the first time.
Vu Tiên Nu from Vietnam
Multiple bodies to marry multiple leaders

Starts in 2858 BC
Interacts every 79 years
Vu Tiên Nu is unique in that she pretends to be different women to marry men of power and control the ancient Vietnam area into her personal kingdoms.
Yes, plural, because Vu Tiên Nu found the way to split her body into several copies, allowing her to be in multiple places at once, married to multiple men, using different bodies and looks. Carefully keeping her secret, she inserts herself in the corridors of power and controls her area to find the most powerful souls to grab, killing them in their prime, but then, ignores them.
Zyanya from the Aztec
Ritual killings and human sacrifices

Starts in 680 BC
Interacts every 44 years
Zyanya, which means "Forever, Always", in Aztec, is a demon which really found her stride with the Aztec society, inspiring them to make human sacrifices to quickly increase her power. To her, rituals are crucial and everything has a purpose. She likes cleanliness, organization and routine. She prefers a delay between each of her victims in order to properly take control of them. She is however from the Zapotec civilization that pre-dates Aztecs.