Demons have been on Earth before humans evolved
The first demon mentionned in our projets was Samantha, in our Chastity College Game 1.
From Samantha, we get to learn the basic characterics of the demons:
- They first existed in the oceans, before even fish evolved.
- They are shape shifters and don't have a real shape.
- They were not concious until feeding on the first proto-humans.
- They do not need to feed, but feeding gives them more energy, more power.
- They can feed on living human's emotions, negating them.
- When humans die next to them, their souls are "captured" and for eternity, live inside that demon's personal hell
- Souls captures increase the power of the demon, but not all souls are equal
- People who killed as well as people who are creative add more power for the demon
- The demon can still talk and consult the souls, using them as advisors, and often torturing them to extract more power

Demon power and feeding
So, demons have 2 ways to get "energy", but they are vastly different from each other.
On emotions
Demons can temporarily "suck" emotions on living humans near them. This gives them short-term energy, and if repeated, can sustain a higher activity level. It's like drinking caffeine to get over from a rough night, but it also helps to quickly recharge their energy levels.
On souls
When someone dies physicially close to a demon, they are automatically sent to the internal pocket dimension of the demon where souls are stores. They are like new batteries to store energy, but they also slowly recharge the demon's energy level.
So they need us alive... but also to die
And this balance changes from demon to demon. Some kill a lot of humans to increase their battery size, others prefer to let attrition go. Some don't get a lot of souls, and instead, focus on those which provide more power.

Soul slaves
Some of the demons discovered how to bind a human to them in a magical ceremony, which allows them to:
- Feed emotionally on them even when they are far away
- Capture their souls even if they die far away from them
- Temporarly make them visit their internal dimensions while they are still alive
Most demons are fully willing to share with their sisters the recipe for soul slaves, as it helps to keep humanity in line.

Other magical powers
Most of the demons managed to develop other magical powers, which they do not usually share with their sisters. For example:
- Only Vụ Tiên Nữ is able to split her bodies in multiple human forms
- Only Tia is able to grab the energy of a soul as it dies
- Only Nasirian discovered how to extend her emotional feeding outside of her visible range
- Only Zyanya managed to crack the secret to recharge living humans from other ones before capturing their souls
But some are more willing to share, such as
- Inari discovered how to make soul slaves and shares it freely.
- Selene discovered how to keep captured souls creative and proudly gives the trick
- Minerva discovered telepathy, and while she keeps telepathy with human a secret (except to Selene), she taught Demon to Demon talk to everyone
- Mindis is the only one able to actually protect humans from harm and sickness
- Mahaha is able to also grab energy from hunters, not just killer of humans
And yet, Idun doesn't care about that and is just violent. Ma'at lost her mind and thinks she is a goddess. Aisha is more into art.

The various axis
The demons are different from each other in goals, methods and techniques. They also originally come from 12 different regions of the world, but then move around.
We can divide them in the follow axis, with any not listed in one of them simply neutral.
Relation to the living
About half of them want to be activly loved by everyone they meet, in a sort of almost narcissic wayé Tia in particular, is obsessed as being seen as benevolent. Nasirian too, but only from her people. The other half prefers to be feared, especially by the enemies of their tribe, or in the case of Zyanya and Mahaha, even by them.
Wants to be loved by everyone

Wants to be feared (by at least some)

Soul capturing
Some prefer to wait for people to die. Tia, Nasiria, Ma'at and Inari almost never kill. Minerva rarely does and Mindis lets her population kill (and be killed) by invaders.
On the other spectrum, Aishah and Selene carefully pick their victims and kills them at their prime. Idun creates Viking raids and takes part in the fighting, Mahaha actively hunts her prey, and Vụ Tiên Nữ causes violent coups to kill her previous family and clan. As for Zyanya, well, she actively asks for human sacrifices
Usually waiting for death

Usually causing deaths

Choosing souls
Half of the demons don't care which individual souls they capture, provided that they are powerful. Mahaha, Mindis and Idun, for example, just grab whoever dies next to them, often by their own hands. Other pick on their abilities, like Aishah, Minerva and Selene.
Vụ Tiên Nữ prefers to kill her husdands and their entourage, but also grabs others. While Tia and Inari pick on their close friends, with Tia often making the connection near death
Most of the others don't really choose: they grab people who they feel will give them more power, such as Idun and Mindis on warriors, Mahaha on hunters and the others on whoever dies near them.
Very personal


Preferred Type of souls
A normal typical soul doesn't add much power, but these demons managed to get to the top by finding ways to maximize the energy potential of souls.
Three main ways were found:
- When a human kills another being, some of their victim's soul's energy gets added to the killer, maximizing their power level.
- Four of the demons also managed to find a way to use their victim's creative power to add to their own reserves. Selene and Minerva use intellect, Aishah creativity and Vụ Tiên Nữ the emotional connection with her victims
- The text view
- The planning view
- The interaction view
- Tia
- Mindis
- Nasirian
- Idun
- Mahaha
- Vụ Tiên Nữ
- Ma'at
- Inari
- Zyanya
- Minerva
- Aishah
- Selene
Warriors / Killers

Creatives / Inner power

Personal connection

Relationship to captured souls
All of the demons like to torture their captured souls, as it's a good way to extract more power. It's like squeezing a lemon to get more juice. But once they have enough power, what do they do with their captured souls by default?
Actively consults them

Mostly tortures them

Mostly ignores them

How the game works
The Three views
When playing the game, you will alternate between 3 views.
The text view
This view is when you are reading about an event, with text and images simply displayed on the screen.
This view is very similar to the 3 College game or the website game views.
The planning view
This is where, as a player, you choose what your in game character will do in his idle time, to affect his relationship with his Demon.
These choices will affect your stats and how she reacts to you.
The statistics
Stats have a value from -100 to 100 but in reality, they have opposite ends which, depending on the Demon, can help or hinder.
Here is a preliminary, subject to change list of stats, and at least one Demon who enjoys one ends.
Negative Value Demons | Negative Label | Positive Label | Positive Label Demon |
Etheral | Physical | ||
Calm | Violent | ||
Mindless | Mindful | ||
Formal | Personal | ||
Lonely | Social | ||
Artistic Creativity | Scientific Mind |
Etheral vs Physical
Once inside a Demon's hell, the soul slowly lose contact with their former bodies, and become more and more intangible, losing contact with their former sensations. To keep access to those sensations, a person needs to feel things, such as doing intense exercice, volunteering for more torture, but focusing on the physical aspect of it.
Tia sees death as the final moment of a person, and the souls as only batteries. She does torture her souls which try to get attention from her, but tries to offer them a final resting place and not much more. Of all the Demons, she interacts with her soul captures the least.
Mindis on the other hand, enjoys for her soul slaves to keep in touch with their former bodies as it allows her to recreate endless battles in which they forget they are people, and focus only on their bodies.
Calm vs Violent
Some perfect their soul slaves to have a calm mindset, while others prefer them to be in a violent frenzy! This often helps the Demon tune their emotions on their souls.
Nasirian is the more calm and peaceful of the Demons and she wants inner peaces, even medidating with some of her soul slaves to help them calm down.
Idun however, is extremely violent and prefers her victims to keep fighting each other inside her pocket dimension to help her feed her rage.
Mindless vs Mindful
If the person is still themselves or not.
Mahaha seens humans as pure animals that have the ability to keep living in her pocket dimention as batteries. She wants them to forgot who they are.
Vụ Tiên Nữ however, cultivates strong relationships with her eventual victims, and keeps those relationship strong after their death and capture.
Formal vs Personal
If they can talk to their demon as if she was a friend or lover, or if they need to give her a lot of deference.
Ma'at fully thinks that she is a God, and as such, wants to be treated as such.
Inari however, has a personal connection with most of her victims and wants to be see almost like a friend.
Lonely vs Social
Can the souls interact with each other, or must they remain isolated?
Zyanya tries to drain as much as possible each of her victims, and doesn't want them to collaborate with each other.
Minerva however, tries to build empires in the real world, and wants her victims to serve as a sort of planning committee.
Artistic Creativity vs Scientific Mind
When it comes to personal expresson, it is more artisict or scientic? Many demons don't care because they don't even want personal expression.
Aishah is an artist lover, and wants unbridled creativity, with poetry, songs and stories taking the center stage. She even runs plays inside her pocket dimension.
Selene however, is all about science and technology. She wants to increase population levels, and technology is the way.
The humanity and the willpowers stats
There are two stats which doesn't affect you relationship with the demon, but rather, your actual survival: Humanity and Willpower.
You can see humanity points like traditional health points in classic games. When you run out of points you lose. It's that simple. You no longer have contact with your former self and are just an empty shell. This is different than being Mindless: a Mindless soul is mostly on automatic pilot, but is still conscious. Once you lose all of your humanity, you cannot regain it.
This is, in effect, your currency for making choices in the planning view. Choices which benefit you usually cost willpower, while choices which hurts you might help you regain some.
The mana capacity stat
In short, this is how much "energy" can be stored in you, in your capacity as a battery. The higher the number, the more your demon will usually care about you, in the absolute.
The mana capacity rank
This indicates how far from the top of the captured souls you are located, and as such, your relative important for the demon.